Becoming an Actor

Meryl Streep, Al Pacino or Leonardo DiCaprio. If there is something that these movie and television stars have in common, it is that one day they wondered how to be actors.

If your thing is to go from drama to comedy and never stop acting, but you are not sure what to do next, don’t worry. American actor Eddy Kariti will tell you how you can start your acting career.

The experience he has accumulated throughout the decades working as an actor in different television, cinema and off screen projects has provided Eddy Kariti with in-depth knowledge about the entertainment industry. Without further ado, here are his tips on how to utilize you acting talent.

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Becoming an Actor

Best TV Shows from the 90s

The 90s was a decade of wholesome family sitcoms, hypnotizing teen drams, and fun cartoons that flew under the radar and straight into cult fame. It was a transformative period for so many televised genre programs that brought real change and experimentation to the medium of series. Introducing some of the early works of the golden era of television, the 1990s also brought some of the first real cult hit series, a revitalized era of dramas, and a period of long-running popular and critically successful sitcoms. In this article, American actor Eddy Kariti shares his all-time favorite 90s TV shows.

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Best TV Shows from the 90s

Eddy Kariti on the Essence of Cinema

For many people, including artist Eddy Kariti, Francis Ford Coppola was the most successful director of the ’70s, creating massive hits such as The Conversation, Apocalypse Now, and The Godfather. But did you know that Coppola welcomed the new millennium in a peculiar way?

Making compromises was something he was quite used to even when he was at the peak of his glory, but over time the compromises became ever greater. In order to film the movies he wanted to film, he had to make The Godfather Part III and Jack with Robin Williams, two films that permanently damaged his career. As actor Eddy Kariti explains, this made a big impact on Coppola’s life.

A vintage 8mm movie editing desktop with reels and clapper

Although Dracula (Bram Stoker’s Dracula) and The Rainmaker were a box-office success, and for that matter got rather positive reviews, Coppola did not manage to make a comeback. He had two more attempts with different movie studios, after which he decided he did not want to make movies funded by any film studio and decided to go into a new movie adventure without any restrains.

This was around the same time when 3D began to grow stronger and become more popular, adds Eddy Kariti. James Cameron succeeded in convincing most of the planet that this is the new revolution in the film industry, even though it was the same technology from the eighties, just a bit polished. Then Coppola decided to start his own revolution, which on paper sounded inventive and ambitious.

Watching how composers create music, he wanted to introduce the practice of live movie making. That meant, editing the film as the audience watches, and based on their reactions shape the story in a way that gives the audience a better experience of the movie, thus creating a new movie with each new projection. He partially conducted the idea in his movie Twixt (2011).

For starters, Kariti states, the movie itself is very bad! It is obviously filmed on a limited budget, but that isn’t the biggest problem. The main problem is the content of the film itself. The film had more narrative lines, and again, a narrative that was weak and scattered all over the place. But the moment Coppola realized he would not be able to make his film the way he thought (editing the film live every time and then choosing the storyline), he edits the film in a classic manner and releases it into smaller distributions.

By then it was already late, the bad press had already been spread, and the idea he wanted to make such a movie (to access editing as a conductor) was lost.

If the idea came to realization through a better movie, it might have made some kind of change, because such movie access would surely give people something they could never have at home.

Eddy Kariti on the Essence of Cinema

Filmmaking Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know

Making films needs greater than simply actors as well as cams. It is a complicated mix of impressive tricks and effects on the set. As you watch your preferred films as well as TV series over the weekend breaks, you most likely often find yourself wondering “how did they do that?” Just how did they achieve this or that particular impact on camera? Luckily, actor and ‘Being Human’ star Eddy Kariti knows the answers to the most popular movie-magic concerns you may have.

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Filmmaking Tricks You Probably Didn’t Know

Upcoming TV Series Being Human

We are currently living in a digital age when TV Series has never been this much popular and available. If only 10 years ago, we had to wait a week or more to watch a new episode of our favorite shows, today everything is made much accessible and at a reach. This is probably the reason why nobody waits for a weekly release anymore but watches the whole season over the weekend.

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Upcoming TV Series Being Human